Performance video DVD and Blu-ray Disc (17 min 39 sec), pencil, pigment ink, acrylic paint on wooden panel with frame.
size: 56 x 82.5 x 5 cm
Courtesy Akio Nagasawa Publishes
Special thanks:
original performance in 2000, at Tokyo Opera City Art Gallery, Photo: Norihiro Ueno.
Replay in 2017, at building of Masamitsu Iwahata, EPO Capital INC
In this Performance, Miyajima made drilled number as Count Down to the plaster board (280 x 1180 cm). It was the first site-specific performance in 2000 at Opera City Gallery (Tokyo). He redid this performance with the same concept in 2017.
Miyajima was skeptical about leaving this performance as a video work because it is so important to keep the process, thoughts and reality of the performance. However, it cannot be seen from the video. Therefore, in 2018 —2020, he decided to make a drawing work part of the performance with video attached. The whole process becomes a real artwork. Details of the work are below.
Title: Count Down Drawing against the Wall
Material: Performance video DVD and Blu-ray Disc (17min 39sec), pencil, pigment ink, acrylic paint, on wooden panel with frame.
size: 56 x 82.5 x 5 cm
ED: 3