Counter Voice in the Water at Fukushima


Photo during performance

One Movie player, one Projector, Speakers. Installation view at Art Meeting 2014.

Size: 56 x 80.5 x 4.5 cm

Courtesy  Akio Nagasawa Gallery
Special Thanks to The 8th Koshomaru

Miyajima counts down from 9 to 1. When he reaches "0," he inhales and holds his breath, and puts his face in the water from the sea. In front of the sea is the nuclear power plant, which was severely damaged by the Tsunami that stroke Fukushima, Japan in 2011. This performance is related to "Clear Zero in the Water" in 1996.

He was skeptical about leaving this performance as a video work because it is so important to keep the process, thoughts and reality of the performance. However, it cannot be seen from the video. Therefore, in 2020, he decided to make a drawing work part of the performance with video attached. The whole process becomes a real artwork. Details of the work are below.

Title: Counter Voice in the Water at Fukushima

Material: Performance video DVD and Blu-ray Disc (20min 54sec), pencil, Pigment ink, Acrylic paint, collage, on wooden panel, with framed.

size: 56 x 80.5 x 4.5 cm

ED: 3