MODEL (36)

MODEL (36)

Installation view at Kunsthalle Zurich, Switzerland

Light Emitting Diode, IC, electric wire, aluminum panel, aluminum joint.

46 x 46 x 26.5 cm

Photo: Alexander Troehler

“Time” was born in this world when it was unified at the International Meridian Conference in 1884. The shape of “time” was the brass board putting the ground and “time” had lain down in two dimensions.

Two-dimensional “time” ended at 8:15 a.m. on August 6th, 1945.

Scattered atoms flying over space made “time” finish.

Model of “Time” after “time” is not completed.

If figures a tree mutually connected with atoms, the universe and human beings.

“Arrow of Time exists limitless in number, Therefore, the MODEL no longer belongs to two - dimensions, but it should be recognized as 16, 36, and even 100 dimensions.

March 1994,

Tatsuok Miyajima